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HM the King Sends Condolence Message to Family of Artist Khadija El Bidaouia

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 HM King Mohammed VI sent a message of condolences to the family of the artist Khadija El Bidaouia, who passed away recently in Rabat.

In this painful circumstance, HM the King expresses to the family and relatives of the deceased, and to her great artistic family, friends and admirers, His deep condolences and sincere compassion in this painful ordeal.

In this message, the Sovereign highlights the brilliant artistic career of the late Khadija El Bidaouia who was a pioneer of the art of Aïta Marsawiya and an icon of this popular musical heritage, praising the contribution of the deceased to the consolidation and preservation of this authentic art.

HM the King says he shares the sorrow of the family of the deceased following this loss, praising, by the same occasion, the great qualities of the late artist, her sincere patriotism and loyalty to the glorious Alaouite Throne, and praying God to surround her with His infinite mercy, to welcome her in His vast Paradise and to grant patience and comfort to the members of her family.

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