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Gov’t Chief calls for new reforms generation to simplify, digitize administrative procedures

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Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch called, Monday in Rabat, for preparing a new reforms generation related to the simplification and digitization of administrative procedures according to a specific work program.

Chairing the third meeting of the National Commission for the administrative procedures simplification, Akhannouch called on “all actors in the administration, public institutions, local authorities and the rest of the bodies concerned, to work on preparing a new reforms generation related to the simplification and digitization of administrative procedures according to a specific work program,” said a statement from the head of government department.

He also called for placing the digital transformation and the sharing information and documents between administrations as the basis for a real reform in the context of the procedures simplification, to bring the administration in line with the expectations of citizens and investors and, thus, ensure efficiency and transparency in the public services management.

Akhannouch also said that the government will mobilize all resources to complete the project of administrative procedures simplification in Morocco, pursuant to the instructions of King Mohammed VI.

At this meeting devoted to approving the simplified version of administrative decisions under consideration at the regional investment centers, and reviewing the results of the implementation of the provisions of Law 55-19 on the administrative procedures simplification, the Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of the Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, Ghita Mezzour presented the implementation assessment of this law, added the same source.

She said in this sense that 22 administrative decisions had been simplified and digitized via the electronic platform “CRI invest”, reducing by 45% the documents required for investors, 60% of the documents required for the admissibility of investment projects, as well as 50% of the documents required for the land mobilization, 33% of the documents required for building permits and 45% of the documents required under the operating licenses.

The Minister revealed that in order to reduce by 45% the number of documents required from investors, 5 simplification techniques have been adopted, including the replacement of some required documents, the granting by the administration of some documents instead of requesting them from the investor, the production of some documents only after obtaining the approval of the Committee, the removal of some documents not justified and the replacement of a group of documents by forms prepared in advance.

The meeting also focused on the components relating to developing the national procedures and administrative portal “” and monitoring the implementation of simplified procedures on the ground, according to the statement.

In addition, four draft decrees were discussed, with a deadline of late March for approval.

This meeting took place in the presence of the Minister of Interior, Abdelouafi Laftit, the Secretary General of Government, Mohamed Hajoui and the Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Investment, Convergence and Evaluation of Public Policies, Mohcine Jazouli.

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