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Solidarity Ministry, UNFPA sign annual work program

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Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family Aawatif Hayar and the Resident Representative of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Morocco Luis Mora presided, on Monday in Rabat, the signing ceremony of the annual work program between the two parties for the year 2023.

In a statement, the Ministry of Solidarity, Social Integration and the Family said that the signing of the annual work program comes in application of the High Royal Directives and represents a contribution to the implementation of commitments contained in the 2022-2026 government program.

The work program encompasses several areas, including combating violence against women and gender stereotypes, promoting inclusive social norms for women and girls, and protecting the family and integrating people with disabilities.

It also includes supporting the capacities of social workers, building on key levers including effective partnership in human development, developing social services, modernizing social professions, and modernizing prevention and protection programs for families and individuals.

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