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Second MD Sahara Forum Kicks off in Dakhla

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The second MD Sahara Forum kicked off, Saturday in Dakhla, under the theme “Morocco in Africa, a Royal choice for a global and integrated continent.”

Organized by the media group Maroc Diplomatique, the 2023 edition of MD Sahara, which runs until March 5, is devoted to Africa, the actions undertaken by the Kingdom for the continent and the Moroccan diplomacy’s achievements.

The goal is to highlight the crucial role that Morocco plays in Africa as an African power and continental leader committed to the political and economic liberation and development of the continent.

Through a successful bilateral and multisectoral diplomacy, advocating a South-South cooperation in solidarity, the Kingdom continues to reaffirm its African identity and favor the development of its relations with other African countries.

The second edition of the MD Sahara is an event that brings together experts, diplomats and decision-makers from the private and public sectors, from Morocco and other African countries, in order to share their experiences and discuss multiple themes including classical diplomacy, strengthening bilateral relations, security, food and energy diplomacy, in addition to co-development and South-South solidarity.

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