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US expert warns against threat of Iranian drones provided to Polisario militias

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U.S. strategic affairs expert Llewellyn King warned against the Iranian regime’s maneuvers, which, with the complicity and financing of Algeria, are providing drones to polisario militias, representing a “direct threat to Morocco.” “Iranian drones are now deployed in North Africa and pose a direct threat to Morocco,” writes Llewellyn King in an article published Friday in the Spanish magazine Atalayar, recalling that Morocco has repeatedly drawn attention to the threat posed by the sale of Iranian drones to Algeria, and indeed to polisario militia.

In an article, the former deputy editor of the Washington Post believes that the Kingdom “is right to be concerned, but so is the world.”

“Moroccan diplomacy is actively raising the issue with Western governments,” Llewellyn King notes, asserting that the goal is to “alert the world to the changing dynamics in the region and […] the dangers of drone attacks as a new adjunct to guerrilla warfare.”

While the world has been distracted by its nuclear program, Iran has become a powerful supplier of military drones to separatists around the world, the U.S. expert warns, stressing that Iran’s destabilizing role in North Africa has been highlighted by several experts.

These experts include American Foreign Policy Council Senior Vice-President Ilan Berman, who stressed that Iran is “known as the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world, and they are now moving into Africa and increasing the capacity of their proxy groups.”

In recent months, several Western experts have warned of the danger of Iranian weapons’ proliferation in the Maghreb, through Tehran’s presence in Algeria and its support for the Polisario, and warned of the risks for Europe and the entire region.

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