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Fourth RAM Plane Carrying 125 People Repatriated from Sudan Arrives at Mohammed V International Airport

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Pursuant to the High Royal Instructions for the establishment of an air bridge to ensure the repatriation of Moroccan citizens from Sudan after the deterioration of the security situation in this brotherly country, a plane of the Moroccan flag carrier RAM landed this Tuesday at the Mohammed V International Airport of Casablanca with 125 people on board.

A statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates stressed that this flight is the fourth of its kind to ensure the repatriation of Moroccan citizens residing in Sudan, or whose presence in this brotherly country has coincided with the difficult internal situation it is experiencing.

In addition to Moroccan citizens, the returnees include nationals of sister African countries, including Senegal, Gabon, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mali and Burkina Faso, in enshrinement of the values of active solidarity that has always marked the African policy of His Majesty the King, may God assist him, said the ministry.

With the arrival of this fourth plane, the airlift deployed pursuant to the High Instructions of HM the King, may God glorify him, in coordination with Royal Air Maroc (RAM), has reached its final phase. The total number of returnees has thus reached 572 people, the same source concluded.

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