Brazil Lauds Partnership with Morocco (Vice President)

« I believe there is great potential to further increase bilateral trade and strengthen our partnership in areas of common interest, such as renewable energy, » Alckmin tweeted, following a meeting with Morocco’s ambassador in Brasilia, Nabil Adghoghi.
The Brazilian vice president noted that the meeting with the Moroccan diplomat was an opportunity to « discuss the current state of relations between Brazil and Morocco, focusing on opportunities in trade and investment ».
« Morocco is the second trading partner of Brazil on the African continent and an important supplier of fertilizer for our agribusiness, » he stressed, recalling that in 2022, the trade flow between the two countries exceeded 3 billion dollars.
Alckmin, who also holds the post of Minister of Development, Industry, Trade and Services, expressed the interest of Brazil « to give new impetus to economic and trade ties increasingly close between the two countries, » according to the Embassy of Morocco, which noted that « the Brazilian vice president expressed the satisfaction of Brazil with the good evolution of the strategic partnership with Morocco”