
Skin rejuvenation: What is PRP treatment?

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Cosmetic surgery continues to evolve, and the latest trend in facial rejuvenation is the injection of PRP (platelet-rich plasma). This technique, also known as a « vampire lift », involves drawing the patient’s blood to extract the plasma, which is then injected into the face to stimulate the production of collagen and other elements that help to firm and to tone the skin.

Plasma is a natural source of growth factors, which are proteins that stimulate the production of new cells and tissues. By injecting plasma into the face, cosmetic surgeons can help tighten the skin, reduce wrinkles and improve skin tone. 

This facial rejuvenation technique is considered one of the safest and least invasive as it uses the patient’s own resources to stimulate healing and regeneration.

Although the plasma injection can be a little painful and cause temporary redness, the results can be very satisfying. Patients can expect to see smoother, firmer and more radiant skin.

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