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The London Court of Appeal confirms the irrevocable rejection of a  »polisario » request against the Morocco-GB association agreement

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The London Court of Appeal on Thursday irrevocably rejected the appeal of the pro-separatist NGO  »WSC » against a previous decision of the Administrative Court, rejecting its request which attempted to question the association agreement linking Morocco to the United Kingdom.

This third setback since last December for the enemies of the territorial integrity of Morocco confirms the validity of the association agreement linking the two countries and which benefits the populations and the development of all regions of the Kingdom, from north to south. .

According to several Moroccan and British analysts, this court decision also highlights the repetitive failures of the real stakeholder instigating the conflict around the Moroccan Sahara, who, despite his malicious inclinations, fails in his attempts to persuade justice. UK to review the post-Brexit trade deal concluded and supported by the two Kingdoms.

Moreover, trade between the two countries has continued to grow since the conclusion of the agreement, with bilateral flows peaking at 2.9 billion pounds sterling in the 3rd quarter of 2022, up by one. billion pounds compared to the same period of the previous year.

The Association Agreement between Morocco and the United Kingdom, signed in London on October 26, 2019, entered into force on January 1, 2021. It

restores, in the context of bilateral relations, all the effects that the two countries mutually agreed within the framework of the Morocco-EU Association Agreement. It thus ensures the continuity of exchanges between Morocco and the United Kingdom after December 31, 2020.

Enabling the two Kingdoms to establish themselves in a long-term structured partnership, endowed with operational and institutionalized cooperation instruments, and driven by a common ambition, the Agreement constitutes a guarantee for Moroccan and British companies which undertake economic and commercial relations in all areas of cooperation.

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