[Video] Tahar Ben Jelloun on the “i24 News” channel: Macron disrespected the King Mohammed VI

As part of its program » conversations with Anne Cabana » broadcast on Wednesday May 31, the Israeli channel » i24 news » invited the writer Tahar Ben Jelloun who spoke on several cultural and artistic subjects, before to emphasize that in Morocco, Islam, which is the state religion, is a regulating and calming element, noting that the police services, described as very effective, are waging a fierce fight against extremists, jihadists and terrorists who are trying to divert moderate Moroccan Maliki Islam from its essence, as evidenced, according to him, by the weekly dismantling of terrorist cells made up of elements who have pledged allegiance to Daesh and aim to return to the hotbeds of tension in Iraq or in Syria.
Referring to the tension marking Moroccan-French relations, Tahar Ben Jelloun underlined that Emmanuel Macron was very awkward towards the King of Morocco and he lacked respect for him, specifying that on the occasion of the affair of the eavesdropping through Pegasus and during a telephone conversation, Sovereign had given his word of honor to Macron, that He never subjected him to eavesdropping, noting that Macron had responded in a very clumsy way, which that the King had not at all appreciated, hence the breakdown of relations between France and Morocco.
In this context Tahar Ben Jelloun underlined that it is not by chance that following this incident, the European Parliament had voted an anti-Moroccan resolution in January, adding that Emmanuel Macron thought that by abandoning traditional Moroccan friendship , the Algerians were to be reconciled with France. However, he underlines, the Algerians will never cease to benefit from “the memorial rent” before noting that the French president has made a strategic error towards France.
Continuing, he indicated that under the mandates of François Mitterrand, Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy, there were interlocutors at the Elysée and in Rabat who discussed among themselves, but Emmanuel Macron, unfortunately, removed this mechanism, before even the Pegasus incident.