Fight against Human Trafficking: Washington Underlines Morocco’s ‘Significant’ Efforts

The Government of Morocco « is making significant efforts » to eliminate human trafficking, says the report, which was presented Thursday in Washington, D.C., by U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken.
The document underlines the adoption by Morocco of a 2023-2030 anti-trafficking strategy and an accompanying 2023-2026 implementation plan.
The report stresses the Kingdom’s « increasing efforts » in improving law enforcement data collection efforts and disaggregating trafficking from smuggling cases in the data.
Morocco « increased overall efforts to protect trafficking victims », the document notes, adding that « foreign trafficking victims could benefit from various services, including reintegration assistance, education, vocational training, social services, and legal aid ».
« The government increased efforts to prevent human trafficking », the report underscores, stressing that the national inter-ministerial anti-trafficking committee, which was administered by the ministry of Justice and included two representatives from civil society, coordinated the government’s efforts to combat trafficking.
The U.S. State Department underlines that the 2023-2030 national strategy and an accompanying 2023-2026 implementation plan were drafted « in coordination with international organizations », adding that the government fully approved the new strategy and implementation plan in March 2023.