Spain’s Pedro Sanchez Described Relations with Morocco as Strategic

« Our relationship with Morocco is strategic in every sense of the word, » stressed Sanchez, who was a guest on Spanish television’s « La Sexta » program on Sunday evening.
“Morocco is important to us in terms of trade, economic access to a continent as important as Africa, security, the fight against terrorism and, without doubt, migration policy,” noted the Spanish Prime Minister.
“In this sense, I must tell you that the cooperation and collaboration we have with the Kingdom of Morocco is very positive,” insisted Sanchez.
On the question of the Moroccan Sahara, the Spanish Prime Minister affirmed that his country adopts « a positive attitude », considering the Moroccan autonomy initiative as « the most serious, realistic and credible basis for resolving the dispute,” noting that the United States, the international community and the main European countries support the autonomy plan presented by Morocco in 2007.
“I have to face the fact that in the 50 years of this conflict, there has been no progress. Therefore, if the international community, the United States and the main European countries say that we must find other ways of resolving this conflict within the framework of the United Nations, and the UN Security Council resolutions, I think that Spain must adopt this constructive attitude,” he said.