
Respect for Difference Requires ‘Awareness of Our Convergences and Divergences’ (Cardinal Ayuso Guixot)

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 Respect for difference requires an « awareness of our convergences and divergences », stressed Cardinal Miguel Angel Ayuso Guixot, prefect of the Vatican’s Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, on Wednesday in Rabat, on the occasion of a study day on the development and renewal of interfaith discourse.

« We should be aware of our many convergences without minimizing or ignoring our differences », said Ayuso Guixot at this meeting organized by the Academy of the Kingdom of Morocco in partnership with the Vatican’s Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, emphasizing the need to respect and promote the dignity and rights of every individual.

« Knowing and recognizing ourselves as brothers is a gift and a challenge of divergence, » he underlined, citing the 2016 Marrakech Declaration on the Rights of Religious Minorities in the Islamic World, which recalls in its first part the « universal principles » and « founding values » of Islam.

Brotherhood, even that of blood, does not ignore differences of character, vision and ideas, he noted, stressing that « everything depends on wisdom in managing our relationships with the people we meet in the course of our lives ».

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