
Suspect arrested in murder-robbery case of Sub-Saharan African citizen

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According to a statement from the General Directorate of National Security, the local branch of the Judicial Police in Rabat arrested a foreign national from a sub-Saharan African country who was residing illegally in Morocco.

The arrest was made on suspicions of involvement in a case involving intentional murder followed by theft, with the victim being another foreign citizen also originating from sub-Saharan Africa.

Police authorities in the city of Dakhla initiated an investigation on Friday, August 25th, into the discovery of the body of a foreign female citizen who had been residing in Morocco irregularly.

The body was found in a rented dwelling in the Al-Ghufran neighborhood, showing signs of physical assault with a sharp object.

Subsequent investigations and inquiries led to identifying and apprehending the suspect in Rabat.

The same source added that preliminary investigations suggest that the crime might have stemmed from a dispute over the renting of a room, which escalated into an intentional murder followed by the theft of the victim’s phone and a sum of money.

The detained foreign national is being held under provisional custody, pending the ongoing investigation assigned to the regional branch of the Judicial Police in Dakhla, under the supervision of the relevant public prosecutor’s office.

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