
Khalid Ait Taleb: Major Transport Logistics Put in Place to Ensure Rapid Response

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A major transport and mobility logistics system has been put in place to ensure rapid intervention for people affected by the earthquake that struck several provinces in the Kingdom, Health and Social Protection Minister Khalid Ait Taleb said in Marrakech on Sunday.

Each region has a large fleet of 100 ambulances, including medical ambulances, in addition to some 30 ambulances dispatched recently, the aim being to ensure rapid intervention, the Minister told on the sidelines of his visit to the region.

« This visit is in application of the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and His recommendations to provide greater proximity and medical, psychological and social support for the victims of this tragedy, » he added.

Ait Taleb pointed out that a major medical response was put in place immediately after the first earth tremor to anticipate and manage the consequences of any further tremors.

« In each of the worst-affected regions, we have designated a medical regulator to act as a professor of resuscitation, and from there we transfer the injured according to the severity of their injuries,” he explained.

The Minister added that he was « proud » of the solidarity shown by Moroccan men and women in these difficult times, while urging citizens to maintain this spirit of mutual aid, illustrated in particular by the massive influx to blood donation centers, associative action and psychological support.

The public authorities are continuing their efforts to rescue, evacuate and care for the injured, and to mobilize all necessary resources to respond to the repercussions of this painful tragedy.


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