
Council of Government to Convene on Thursday

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A Council of Government meeting will be held on Thursday under the chairmanship of the Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch, according to a press release by the Department of the Head of Government.

At the start of its proceedings, the Council will follow a presentation by the Ministry of National Territory Planning, Land Planning, Housing and City Policy on « Urban development and housing », followed by a presentation by the Minister of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation on « The start of the 2023-2024 academic year », the statement said.

It will then examine the draft decree-law amending the law establishing the Regional Academies for Education and Training.

The Council will also work on two draft decrees, the first of which concerns the determination of forms of housing assistance and the modalities of their allocation to purchasers of housing intended for the principal dwelling, while the second modifies and completes the decree relating to the establishment of the Civil Society Award, the same source pointed out.

At the end of its proceedings, the Council will consider proposals for appointments to higher office, in accordance with the provisions of Article 92 of the Constitution.

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