
Parliament: Presentation of Draft Decree Creating Special Fund for Managing Effects of Al Haouz Earthquake

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The Minister Delegate in charge of the Budget Fouzi Lekjaa presented on Monday to both Houses of Parliament the draft decree No. 2.23.811 creating a special bank account entitled « Special Fund for the management of the effects of the earthquake that affected the Kingdom of Morocco », in application of the High Instructions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

The draft decree was presented at a joint meeting of the Finance and Economic Development Committee of the House of Representatives, and the Finance, Planning and Economic Development Committee of the House of Councillors, in the presence of the Speakers of both Houses, Rachid Talbi Alami and Enaam Mayara, in accordance with the provisions of Article 70 of the Constitution, and Article 26 of the Organic Law on the Finance Act.

« This account, which will receive voluntary solidarity contributions from citizens and private and public organizations, will be used primarily to finance expenditure relating to the emergency program for the rehabilitation and support of reconstruction efforts for homes destroyed in the disaster areas, » Lekjaa said at the meeting, which was attended by the chairmen and members of the two commissions.

« It will also be dedicated to financing expenses relating to the care of people in difficult situations, notably orphans and vulnerable people, as well as the immediate care of all people made homeless by the earthquake, especially with regard to housing, food and all basic necessities. »

He added that the account would also cover the cost of encouraging economic players to resume business immediately in the affected areas, as well as the cost of building up reserves and stocks of basic necessities in every region of the Kingdom to prepare for any type of disaster, and all other costs relating to managing the effects of the earthquake.

For his part, Talbi El Alami noted the close coordination between the Lower and Upper House in their actions and initiatives « on behalf of our country, and in support of the citizens affected by this natural disaster. »

« Under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty the King, our country has been able to face up to all the ordeals,” he added, commending the surge of solidarity and national cohesion that constitute « a force that animates a sense of pride in belonging to this beloved homeland. »

For his part, Mayara emphasized that the creation of the special fund to manage the effects of the earthquake experienced by the Kingdom is proof of solidarity, which has always been one of the values of Moroccans.

The Upper House Speaker pointed out that the Moroccan Parliament, with both chambers and all its components, is mobilized to express the values of solidarity, during the construction and reconstruction process in the affected areas.

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