
Ministry of Health and Social Protection: Stock of Medicines to Treat Wounded is More than Sufficient

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More than 300 tons of medicines and medical devices have been delivered to the areas affected by the Al-Haouz earthquake by Monday, an official from the Ministry of Health and Social Protection said on Tuesday, assuring that the current stock is more than sufficient to provide medical treatment for the injured.

In response to the High Royal Instructions, the Ministry of Health and Social Protection promptly activated its strategic emergency plan, which includes the use of the national strategic stock of medicines and pharmaceutical products. Dr. Aziz Mrabti, Director of Medicines and Pharmacy at the Ministry, explained in a statement, that this stock of essential medicines and health products is specifically prepared to address emergency and disaster situations.

In the immediate aftermath of the disaster, the Ministry of Health dispatched over 200 tonnes of medicines and medical devices to all hospitals and health facilities in the affected areas, said the official. To further support the situation on the ground, he added, a new shipment of over 100 tonnes was sent to reinforce the stock at health facilities in the affected areas.

More quantities of medicines and medical products are scheduled for dispatch on Wednesday to bolster the stock at local hospitals and facilities treating the injured.

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