
Temara: Four Suspected Members of Irregular Immigration and Human Trafficking Network Apprehended

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The Temara Judicial Police Brigade apprehended, in the early hours of Friday morning, four individuals suspected of having ties to a criminal network involved in organizing irregular immigration and human trafficking, based on precise information provided by the services of the General Directorate for Territorial Surveillance (DGST).

The suspects, whose ages range from 34 to 48, were caught in the act in a rural area near the town of Skhirat. They were preparing for an irregular immigration operation by sea, intending to assist 14 would-be immigrants who were arrested at a farm in the same vicinity where they were temporarily residing.

The four suspects have been taken into police custody, while the potential migrants are undergoing a judicial investigation, supervised by the relevant public prosecutor’s office, to clarify the details of this case and identify any possible connections or ramifications.

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