
Parliament Calls for Building on Moroccan Experience to Promote Tolerant Islam Values

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Moroccan parliament on Monday called for building on the kingdom’s experience to promote the values of tolerant Islam, notably the efforts of the Mohammed Institute VI for the training of Imams Morchidines and Morchidates.

At an online meeting of the Speakers of the member parliaments of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States, first vice-Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohamed Sabbari, underlined the need to raise awareness about the dangers of « Islamophobia », in the recommendations presented on behalf of the Moroccan Parliament during this meeting devoted to the themes of « the repeated burning of the Holy Koran » and « climate change: its repercussions and Islamic solidarity to face it ».

Sabbari also highlighted the need to promote dialogue and coexistence between different religions, communities and cultures, by raising awareness about the dangers of hate speech and « Islamophobia ».

In this regard, he recalled that the United Nations General Assembly unanimously adopted, last July, the resolution presented by Morocco against the burning of the Holy Quran and hate speech, stressing that this resolution strongly deplores all acts of violence perpetrated against people based on their religion or beliefs, as well as all those targeting their religious symbols or Holy Books.

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