
AU PSC: Morocco Reiterates Importance of Refugee Registration Operations

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Morocco reiterated, on Friday in Addis Ababa before the Peace and Security Council (PSC) of the African Union (AU), the importance of refugee registration and documentation operations as a key tool for guaranteeing their protection and blocking all attempts to politicize and instrumentalize these populations in a vulnerable situation.

At a meeting of the AU’s PSC devoted to interaction with the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) on the follow-up to the implementation of commitments resulting from the Malabo Extraordinary Summit on Humanitarian Aid, the Moroccan delegation stressed that the registration and identification of refugees is a fundamental prerequisite for the implementation of the triptych of the UNHCR’s mandate, namely international protection, the granting of assistance and the search for durable solutions.

In addition, the Moroccan delegation recalled that the Kingdom, as a committed player in the global and regional management of migratory flows, launched its National Immigration and Asylum Strategy in 2013, which has enabled, among other things, the implementation of two exceptional regularization operations for over 50,000 migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, giving priority to women and children.

She also pointed out that Morocco had actively contributed to the development and implementation of the two Global Covenants on Refugees and Migration. The Moroccan delegation reiterated the Kingdom’s commitment to continuing its contribution to collective efforts to protect and assist refugees.

In the same context, the Moroccan delegation condemned the devastating effects of the embezzlement of humanitarian aid, as demonstrated by UN humanitarian agencies, while calling for exploring ways and means to counter this scourge.

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