
Morocco, Ireland Discuss Strengthening Parliamentary Cooperation

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Morocco’s Upper House Speaker, Enaam Mayara, held talks on Friday in Dublin with the Cathaoirleach (Speaker) of the Irish Senate, Jerry Buttimer, on ways to strengthen parliamentary cooperation.

The meeting was held on the sidelines of the works of the European Conference of Presidents of Parliament that is taking place at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in Dublin.

On this occasion, Mayara paid tribute to the quality of relations between Morocco and Ireland, based on mutual respect, friendship, and solidarity. He also stressed the importance of giving new impetus to parliamentary cooperation through parliamentary diplomacy that completes the governmental cooperation between the two friendly countries.

The Speaker of Morocco’s House of Advisors insisted on consolidating bilateral cooperation with the Irish Senate and strengthening multi-party parliamentary action.

He also stressed the need to establish channels of communication and interaction through exchanges of visits, experience, and expertise between the two parliamentary bodies, in addition to coordinating efforts and positions at the level of regional, continental, and international parliamentary bodies.

Referring to the strengthening of economic and trade relations between Morocco and Ireland, Mayara praised the role played by the two countries’ ambassadors in Rabat and Dublin in bringing the two parties closer together at all political, economic, cultural, or social levels.

For his part, Buttimer praised the quality of bilateral relations, expressing his desire to develop them, particularly by strengthening parliamentary cooperation between the two countries.

He also stressed the importance of strengthening the role of parliamentary friendship groups between the two assemblies, promoting effective dialogue, mutual visits, and sharing experiences in areas of common interest.

In the context of regional and international challenges, particularly problems linked to climate change, security challenges, and the achievement of sustainable development, it is necessary to pool efforts and strengthen parliamentary cooperation, said the Speaker of the Irish Senate.

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