
Moroccan Sahara: Guatemala Reiterates Support for Political Solution within Morocco’s Territorial Integrity

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Guatemala reaffirmed, in New York, its support for a political solution to the regional dispute over the Moroccan Sahara, within the framework of the Kingdom’s territorial integrity and national sovereignty.

« Guatemala wishes to reiterate its support for the efforts of the Kingdom of Morocco to seek a political and peaceful solution to the regional dispute over the Sahara and considers that the autonomy initiative constitutes a realistic, credible and serious basis for achieving a negotiated solution between the parties, within the framework of the territorial integrity of Morocco and its national sovereignty », underlined the representative of Guatemala before the 4th commission of the UN General Assembly.

Guatemala also deems it « important » to resume the round table process in the same format and with the same four participants: Morocco, Algeria, Mauritania and the “Polisario”, in accordance with Security Council’s Resolution 2654.

The diplomat also expressed his country’s support for the efforts of the United Nations Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy, Staffan de Mistura. In this regard, he welcomed the recent “successful” visit by de Mistura to Morocco, particularly to Laâyoune and Dakhla, last September, during which he met the presidents of the two Moroccan Saharan regions, elected officials, local authorities, economic operators and representatives of civil society.

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