
Moroccan Sahara: United Arab Emirates Reiterates Constant Position Supporting Morocco’s Sovereignty

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The United Arab Emirates reiterated, in New York, its constant position supporting the national sovereignty and territorial integrity of Morocco.

« The State of the United Arab Emirates underlines its constant position, standing alongside brotherly Morocco in its just causes within regional and international forums, to preserve its sovereignty, and the security and unity of its lands, » affirmed the Emirati representative Monday before the members of the 4th committee of the UN General Assembly.

She also stressed that her country supports all the measures that Morocco is taking to defend its legitimate rights, and supports the Autonomy initiative that the Security Council deems as serious and credible in its resolutions.

This initiative, presented by Morocco in 2007 to definitively settle this regional dispute, is an “important solution” in accordance with the United Nations Charter and UN resolutions, she said.

Highlighting the efforts of the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary General for the Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, notably his recent visit to Morocco, Algeria and Mauritania, the Emirati diplomat hoped for the resumption of the round table process between the parties with a view to reaching a compromise solution.

The speaker also welcomed the sustained efforts made by Morocco to strengthen the dynamic of human development in the southern provinces, within the framework of the new development model launched in 2015, noting that this model has played a “positive part” in improving the living conditions of the populations of the Moroccan Sahara.

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