HM the King: Morocco Hopes that Africa Will be Able to Hold its Rightful Place in International Bodies

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Morocco fervently hopes that Africa, which now has a voice within the G20 through the African Union, will be able to hold its rightful place in other international bodies, said HM King Mohammed VI.

In a message addressed to participants at the Annual Meetings of the World Bank Group (WB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), being held from October 09 to 15 in Marrakech, the Sovereign underlined that: « as an African nation, Morocco fervently hopes that the Continent – which now has a voice within the G20 through the African Union – will be able to hold its rightful place in other international bodies and thus push forward its economic and social agendas. »

African countries are among the nations that are suffering the most from the consequences of climate change, even though they are among the countries whose activities contribute the least to global warming, wrote HM the King in this Message, which was read out by Omar Kabbaj, Advisor to His Majesty the King.

In this regard, the Sovereign called for readapting the rules and frameworks governing debt to take better account of the constraints which affect the ability of the most indebted low-income countries to be proactive and tackle fluctuations.

“By 2050, Africa will be home to a quarter of the world’s population. It should benefit, today, from conditions that enable it to broaden its room for maneuver and harness its potential to meet the needs of African populations in an increasingly uncertain, unsettled world marked by profound paradigm shifts,” said HM the King.

The Sovereign also recalled that Morocco has have made South-South cooperation a priority in its open door policy, “pursuing in this regard an approach based on co-development with our sister nations and friends on the Continent.”

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