
Morocco Re-Elected to Human Rights Council Advisory Committee

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The Kingdom of Morocco has been successfully re-elected with Nadia Amal Bernoussi to the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee (HRCAC) for the 2023-2026 term.

The members of the Human Rights Council (HRC) conducted the elections during the 54th session of the HRC on October 13, 2023, in Geneva, as stated in a press release by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation, and Moroccan Expatriates.

This re-election reflects the Kingdom’s high level of credibility in the international community due to its substantial efforts in promoting, protecting, and strengthening human rights on both national and international levels, in line with the vision of HM King Mohammed VI, the press release emphasized.

Moroccan candidates have consistently gained the trust of UN member states across various UN bodies responsible for promoting human rights, with Moroccan experts being elected to nearly all human rights treaty bodies.

Bernoussi’s successful re-election is the result of an extensive diplomatic campaign promoting the Moroccan candidacy, the press release noted.

Bernoussi, a member of the Venice Commission and the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee since 2020, is a prominent figure in the field of human rights, both nationally and internationally. She has been actively involved as a Member of the 2011 Constitutional Review Advisory Commission and continues to make a significant contribution to academic research in the realm of human rights.

The Human Rights Council Advisory Committee comprises 18 experts and serves as a think-tank focusing on the promotion and protection of all human rights.

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