
10th General Assembly of African Union of the Blind Kicks Off, in Presence of HH Princess Lalla Lamia Essolh, President of OAPAM

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The 10th General Assembly of the African Union of the Blind (AFUB) kicked off on Friday in Rabat, in the presence of Her Highness Princess Lalla Lamia Essolh, President of the Alaouite Organization for the Promotion of the Blind in Morocco (OAPAM).

The opening ceremony of this event, placed under the high patronage of HM King Mohammed VI, was attended by Advisor to His Majesty the King, Fouad Ali El Himma, Minister of Health and Social Protection, Khalid Ait Taleb, and Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family, Aawatif Hayar, as well as several eminent personalities from the world of politics and diplomacy, country delegates, observers and representatives of continental and international organizations of the blind.

This General Assembly, which will run until October 30, essentially aims to draw inspiration from and highlight distinguished African and international experiences, capable of contributing to the achievement of the empowerment of the blind at the continental level so that they can play an active role within their society, their country and the continent.

It is also about actively participating in the integration, by all means, of this category into society.

This important meeting, which is being held under the theme « Unity and solidarity », reflects the constant commitment of the Kingdom of Morocco, under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty the King, in favor of « supportive and active South-South cooperation » and it also reflects the firm determination of the Sovereign to further deepen the relations linking Morocco to its home continent, Africa, particularly with regard to the guarantee and consolidation of the rights of people with specific needs, in particular those with a visual disability.

The program of this event includes a series of round-table discussions on themes relating to the integration of this category into socio-economic life, meetings of the various AFUB bodies, and the election of the Union’s president and vice-president.

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