
Morocco, Germany Set to Promote Security Cooperation

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Morocco’s Interior Minister, Abdelouafi Laftit, and German Minister of Interior and Community, Nancy Faeser, expressed, here Monday, their determination to promote security cooperation between the two countries.

During a meeting, attended by senior officials of the Interior Ministries of the two countries, the two officials exchanged views on issues related to the fight against terrorism, extremism and illegal immigration, in light of the emergence of different forms of threats, based on the conviction of Morocco and Germany of the need for proactive prevention in order to limit these crimes, the Interior Ministry said in a press release.

According to the same source, the meeting was also an opportunity for both parties to emphasize the need to strengthen the exchange of information and expertise, for greater efficiency and effectiveness in terms of security cooperation between the two countries, while endeavoring to step up operational cooperation to fight various forms of cross-border crimes in order to ward off all the dangers and threats affecting the security and tranquility of the citizens of the two countries.

This meeting was marked by the signing of a joint declaration of intent between the Interior Ministries of the two countries aimed at strengthening cooperation in the areas of security, migration, civil protection and the fight against different forms of cross-border crime, on the basis of equality, equal treatment, common interest and mutual esteem, the press release noted.

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