
Body in Charge of Revising Family Code Launches Listening & Hearing Sessions

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The body in charge of revising the Family Code, made up of Justice Minister, Deputy chairman of the Superior Council of the Judicial Power, President of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, Secretary General of the Superior Council of Ulemas, President of the National Human Rights Council and Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family, on Wednesday began listening and hearing sessions, as part of the implementation of the broader participatory approach to which HM King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, called for in the Royal Letter addressed to the Head of Government.

   These listening and hearing sessions are open to official institutions directly concerned with the family issue, NGOs interested in family, women and childhood, in addition to human rights associations, according to precise criteria whose objective is to allow all civil stakeholders in this area to submit the points of view they defend in this great moment of reform, the body said in a press release.

   The body also decided to hold hearing sessions for political parties and unions, given the place conferred to them by the Constitution, both in terms of supervising citizens, strengthening their involvement in national public life and defending their economic and social rights.

   It will also organize other hearing sessions dedicated to experts in the fields of law, jurisprudence, justice and human rights, as well as to all skills that can contribute, through their force of proposal, to the brainstorming effort on the means to transcend legal and judicial dysfunctions of the Family Code.

   It is also a matter of guaranteeing that the Family Code is in harmony with the national legal structure, the international commitments of the Kingdom and those putting the Moroccan family at the heart of the challenges posed by the issues of development and evolution of society.

   During these sessions, the body leaves to the parties and stakeholders, according to their considerations, the freedom to choose the most appropriate means to present their visions, within the deadlines allocated to them, the press release points out.

   The components of the body rely on this participatory process and the possibility it offers in order to establish a diagnosis of the dysfunction points of the Family Code, as well as on the alternatives to overcome them and the proposals for amendment that will arise from its conclusions.

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