
Extraordinary Arab-Islamic Summit Categorically Rejects Forced Displacement of Palestinian People

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The leaders of the countries participating in the Extraordinary Arab-Islamic Summit held on Saturday in Riyadh, expressed their categorical rejection of the forced displacement of the Palestinian people outside the Gaza Strip or the West Bank, including Al-Quds Acharif, and any other form of liquidation of the Palestinian cause.

   The resolution issued at the end of this Summit underlines the need for an immediate return, to their neighborhoods and homes, of the displaced Palestinians who were forced to flee towards the south of Gaza as well as the release of all prisoners, detained and civilians.

   They also reiterated their commitment to the two-State solution and peace as a strategic choice to end the Israeli occupation and the Arab-Israeli conflict, in accordance with international law, relevant international legality resolutions and the Arab Peace Initiative as a unified consensus Arab position and basis for any effort to revive the Middle East peace process.

   This same position was previously expressed by Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, who chaired the 160th session of the Arab League Council at the level of foreign ministers, who affirmed in a speech that the Kingdom, under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, remains committed to the two-State solution and to just and comprehensive peace based on international legality resolutions as an inevitable strategic choice.

   Leaders of Arab and Islamic States reaffirmed that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) is the legitimate and sole representative of the Palestinian people, calling on all Palestinian factions and forces to unite under its banner and to assume their responsibility within the framework of a national partnership meeting the aspirations of the Palestinian people, under PLO leadership.

   Morocco has never ceased to express, on all occasions, this constant position in support of the Palestinian State and its legitimate national authority, under the leadership of His Excellency President Mahmoud Abbas, to defend the rights of the Palestinian people and to achieve their aspirations for freedom, independence and a decent life.

   HM King Mohammed VI was represented at this Summit by Head of Government, Aziz Akhannouch. The Moroccan delegation to this high-level meeting included notably Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita.

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