
Morocco Reaffirms Commitment to Promoting Women’s Rights

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 Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and the Family, Aawatif Hayar, reaffirmed on Monday in Baku Morocco’s commitment to promoting women’s rights and empowerment.

« The Kingdom of Morocco is committed to honoring its international and regional obligations to promote women’s rights and empowerment, and to strengthening cooperation and joint action to open up promising new horizons, in order to enable women to contribute fully to sustainable development », said the Minister, who was speaking at an international symposium on « Promoting women’s rights and empowerment », held on the initiative of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

At the meeting, co-organized by Azerbaijan, NAM current chair, and Uganda and Uzbekistan, the organization’s next chairs, Hayar reviewed the achievements made by the Kingdom, under the enlightened leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, in terms of promoting women’s rights and empowerment.

The Minister cited the various reforms that have helped to enshrine the cross-cutting dimension of women’s issues in legislation, as well as strategic and financial planning.

Added to this, according to Hayar, is « the development of programs and action plans to address priorities linked to the economic empowerment of women and girls, the fight against violence and the dissemination of a culture of equality within the family, the public sphere and the workplace ».

In the same vein, the Minister highlighted HM the King’s concern for promoting women’s status, as evidenced by the prominence given to this issue in the Royal Speech to the Nation on July 30, 2022, on the occasion of the Throne Day.

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