
Bourita: Under HM the King’s Enlightened Leadership, Morocco Continues to Support UN’s Efforts to Settle Libya’s Institutional Crisis

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Morocco, under the enlightened leadership of HM the King, continues to support the UN efforts to settle the institutional crisis in Libya, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, said Thursday in Rabat.

« The High Instructions of His Majesty the King are clear in supporting all the efforts of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General aimed at getting Libya out of this institutional crisis that it has been facing for several years, » Bourita underlined at a joint press briefing with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Libya, Abdoulaye Bathily.

“The Kingdom of Morocco reiterates its support to Bathily for his relevant efforts, in accordance with a reasoned approach based on trust and support to Libyans so that they can, themselves, settle their problems,” he added.

Bourita stressed that the credibility and trust enjoyed by Bathily among all Libyan parties constitute « the best proof » that his approach of listening and bringing together points of view ahead of holding the presidential and legislative elections, would settle this institutional crisis.

In this regard, the minister noted that Morocco still considers that holding elections remains the most appropriate solution to this institutional crisis, affirming that these elections should constitute the starting point of a new phase in this brotherly country, focused on stability, legitimacy and meeting the needs of the Libyan people.

“There is now a legal framework thanks to the meetings held in Bouznika which resulted in the promulgation of electoral laws, which were not in place when the elections were announced on December 24, 2021,” Bourita said, adding that this legal framework, although not ideal, remains the best possible option for holding these elections.

The minister also recalled that the Kingdom, which hosted several meetings between the Libyan parties, has continuously endeavored to bring together their points of view without interfering in their internal affairs.

“Today, the Kingdom is willing to support the momentum that Bathily wishes to launch in order to enrich the existing legal framework through institutional political compromises,” he said, adding that the implementation of these compromises will make it possible to launch the phase of organizing the elections.

Bourita also noted that Morocco constantly stresses that the Libyan crisis settlement will not come from outside, but from the Libyans themselves, which has earned the Kingdom credibility with the Libyan parties.

“The Kingdom is ready to support Bathily in the advancement of the political process in Libya,” the minister underlined, expressing his hope that the relevant ideas could materialize into initiatives, then into compromises and solutions which would lead to holding the elections.

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