
Akhannouch: Morocco On the Path to Achieve National Medicine Sovereignty

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Morocco is taking steady steps towards achieving national medicine sovereignty through reducing its medicine imports and relying on its own production capacities, Head of Government Aziz Akhannouch said Monday.

Speaking at the House of Representatives’ question time, Akhannouch underlined the Kingdom’s capacity to guarantee its national strategic stock of medicines and health products, meeting 70% of the needs of the national market for medicines and vaccines.

In accordance with the High Royal Vision on the consolidation of health sovereignty as a basis for the strategic security of the Kingdom, and in implementation of the High Royal will relating to the strengthening of medicine safety and access to quality medicines and health products at affordable prices for citizens, the government is working to establish the Moroccan Agency for Medicines and Health Products under Law No. 10.22, by providing it with the necessary prerogatives and mechanisms to support the accelerated developments in this field, Akhannouch noted.

In this regard, he pointed out that this momentum comes at a time when the government is committed to supporting all investment projects relating to the health system, like the first unit for generic medicines in Africa in the province of Benslimane.

In addition to efforts aimed at strengthening the health offer in Morocco, the Head of Government noted that the Government is implementing a set of programs for the prevention and fight against diseases, highlighting the achievements made this year in the field of maternal and child health.

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