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Tribute to HH Princess Lalla Lamia Essolh for Her Action in Favor of Blind & Visually Impaired

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A tribute was paid to HH Princess Lalla Lamia Essolh, president of the Alaouite Organization for the Promotion of the Blind in Morocco (OAPAM), during a ceremony organized, Friday in Rabat, by « Baouabate Fés » Association on the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

The Association’s « Fez Gate » trophy was awarded to HH Princess Lalla Lamia Essolh, in recognition of her action, initiated since 1967, for the full social integration of people suffering from visual impairments. It was handed to HH Princess Lalla Zineb.

This tribute is a recognition of the work accomplished by HH Princess Lalla Lamiaa Essolh as part of a program aimed at fully integrating blind and visually impaired people into society, to make them active actors in sustainable development, OAPAM Secretary General, Salaheddine Semmar, told MAP.

This program, which focuses on the education of the blind and visually impaired, has resulted in the creation of 13 centers across the Kingdom, providing education from primary to high school, Semmar underlined.

For her part, President of “Bouabate-Fez” Association, Leila Bennis, said that the tribute paid to HH Princess Lalla Lamia Essolh is a recognition of the work of Her Highness as OAPAM President for 56 years, notably the creation of centers for the blind in all cities of the Kingdom and the various craft training sessions provided to people suffering from visual impairments, which guarantee them full integration into society.

“The work of HH Princess Lalla Lamiaa Essolh is extraordinary, she has succeeded in empowering people with visual impairments so that they can play an active role in society,” she underlined.

This ceremony was notably marked by the presentation of several testimonials from representatives of several ministerial departments having agreements with OAPAM, praising the work of HH Princess Lalla Lamiaa Essolh in favor of people suffering from visual impairments, as well as testimonials from beneficiaries of OAPAM programs.

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