
Morocco, Oman Sign MoU in Judicial Cooperation

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Morocco’s presidency of the Public Prosecutor’s Office and Oman’s Public Prosecutor’s office signed, Monday in Rabat, a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in judicial cooperation.

Signed by the King’s Attorney General at the Court of Cassation, President of the Public Prosecutor’s Office, El Hassan Daki and Oman’s Attorney General Nasr Khamis Al Sawa’ee, aims to develop technical programs for the exchange of experiences and good practices between the two institutions, to improve the effectiveness of activities falling within the areas of competence of the public prosecutors of the two countries.

On this occasion, Daki told the press that the signing of this MoU is part of the efforts to open up the Presidency of the Public Prosecutor’s Office to its regional and international environment, noting that the MoU will provide insight into Oman’s experience in penal policy, management of public prosecutor’s offices and justice in general.

He also highlighted the commitment of the presidency of the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Morocco and the public prosecutor’s office in Oman to promote capacity building of public prosecutors and to contribute to promoting justice.

For his part, Al Sawa’ee said that it was agreed, during this meeting, to develop several joint initiatives aimed at unifying visions in the fight against crime and the exchange of information, calling for strengthening communication and cooperation in this area.

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