
Azerbaijan Reiterates its Permanent and Constant Support for Morocco’s Sovereignty over its Southern Provinces

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The Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Sahiba Gafarova, reiterated on Thursday in Rabat her country’s permanent and constant support for Morocco’s sovereignty over its southern provinces, hailing the convergence of views between the two countries on numerous continental and international issues and their attachment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States and the peaceful settlement of disputes.

During her talks with the House of Councillors Speaker, Enaam Mayara, Gafarova, who is on a working visit to the Kingdom leading a large delegation, commended Morocco’s considerable development in various fields, highlighting the strong political relations between the two countries.

According to a press release by the Upper House, the Azerbaijani official stressed the importance of redoubling efforts to promote economic cooperation and take advantage of all available opportunities, noting that the two countries are called upon to give new dynamism to their cooperation in the parliamentary field, by strengthening mechanisms for dialogue and consultation, in the service of issues of common interest.

For his part, Mayara said this visit reflects the quality of the political relations and the depth of the fraternal, cultural and civilizational ties between Morocco and Azerbaijan, adding that this meeting takes place in a particular context marked by the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, establishing a fruitful and promising partnership.

In this respect, he recalled the holding of the second session of the Joint Commission on Bilateral Cooperation, which resulted in the conclusion of a series of agreements and memorandums of understanding in various fields, illustrating the two countries’ commitment to diversifying and deepening their cooperation, in accordance with the High Guidelines of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and His Excellency President Ilham Aliyev of Azerbaijan.

After giving a detailed explanation of the Upper House work, its composition and prerogatives. Mayara expressed the readiness to back the process of developing these bilateral relations.

He also thanked the Republic of Azerbaijan for « its firm and constant position supporting the Kingdom’s territorial integrity and sovereignty over its southern provinces », affirming Morocco’s continued support for Azerbaijan in various international forums.

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