
Government Launches New Website to Enhance Citizen Interaction

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In a bid to bolster governmental communication and foster greater interaction with citizens, the government unveiled the electronic portal ‘www.alhoukouma.gov.ma’ on Wednesday.

The portal will serve as a gateway to disseminate information about all programs and activities undertaken by the government, providing citizens with comprehensive explanations to follow government measures and the progress of various initiatives through precise and up-to-date data, as stated in a press release from the Head of Government’s Department.

Available in Arabic and accessible from both computers and smartphones, the portal outlines the three main pillars of the government program, namely « strengthening the foundations of the social state, » « promoting the economy and creating employment opportunities, » and « ensuring the efficiency of the Administration in the service of the citizen, » said the same source.

The same electronic platform allows citizens to access excerpts from the speeches of HM King Mohammed VI and highlights royal activities, it emphasizes.

Furthermore, the website features a section on « Latest Developments, » divided into two components: an « information space » presenting real-time updates and a « files and articles » section that delves into various topics in depth, explains the press release. Additionally, a « video library » and related links on social media are also provided.

The platform includes another section giving citizens the opportunity to express their views and make suggestions regarding different government programs and measures to ensure the desired interactivity with public opinion, the same source specifies.

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