
Bourita: Morocco’s Election to UNHRC Presidency, Recognition of Kingdom’s Reforms

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Morocco’s election to the presidency of the United Nations Human Rights Council for 2024 is a recognition of the efficiency and credibility of the reforms undertaken by the Kingdom under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, in the fields of democracy and human rights, Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, said Wednesday in Rabat.

This election, which carries many messages, reflects the « broad international support » for the Moroccan candidacy, Bourita underlined at a joint press briefing with Bulgaria’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mariya Gabriel, following their talks, noting that 30 out of the 47 member countries of the UNHRC voted for Morocco, or two thirds of the overall members, from different geographical areas.

In this respect, he noted that 10 African countries out of 13 voted for Morocco, stressing that this support « is of great importance given that this candidacy was African. »

He also commended Bulgaria’s role in supporting Morocco’s candidacy, as it was « one of the first countries to support the Kingdom’s candidacy within the Human Rights Council. »

Recalling that the credibility of the Moroccan candidacy stems from the reforms undertaken in the Kingdom in recent years in democracy and human rights, under the leadership of HM King Mohammed VI, Bourita stressed that Morocco’s election to the UNHRC presidency reflects « trust in the role of the Kingdom and its foreign policy, which is distinguished by credibility, seriousness and balance in seeking solutions and answers, not problems”.

During 2023, Morocco submitted 10 applications to different international bodies, he recalled, noting that all these applications were successful, which concretely confirms the credibility of the Kingdom internationally.

In the same vein, Bourita underlined that the Kingdom has played a pioneering role within the UNHRC since its inception in 2006, through its presence in 10 working mechanisms and 19 working groups under this Council.

« What distinguishes Morocco’s election to the UNHRC presidency is not the success in itself, since it was expected, but rather its ability to overcome the media campaign led by Algeria and South Africa against the Moroccan candidacy and their stubbornness, despite the consensus within the African Union around the legitimacy of this candidacy », he pointed out.

Morocco will work from its position as President of the UNHRC to continue its balanced policy to promote the human rights situation and play a positive and constructive role in this regard, by sharing the experience it has accumulated in this area, he concluded.

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