
Morocco and Spain Agree to Enhance Positive, Dynamic Relations, to Elevate Model of Their Exceptional Partnership

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 The Minister of the Interior, Abdelouafi Laftit, and his Spanish counterpart, Fernando Grande Marlaska, agreed on Friday in Rabat on the need to enhance the positive and committed dynamic between the two countries to elevate the model of their exceptional partnership.

« This partnership is exemplary in more ways than one and is a benchmark for bilateral cooperation, » said the Ministry of the Interior in a press release issued following talks between the two ministers.

Laftit and Marlaska welcomed the exceptional partnership between Morocco and Spain, the result of an unprecedented dynamic in bilateral relations marked by the roadmap adopted at the end of discussions between His Majesty King Mohammed VI and the President of the Spanish Government, H.E. Pedro Sánchez, in April 2022.

This partnership has anchored strong, multidimensional security and migration cooperation, based on trust and driven by shared issues and challenges, adds the same source.

The two parties also agreed to strengthen the dynamics of operational coordination and to streamline the channels for exchanging information and expertise to better anticipate the threats posed by terrorism and the criminal activities of cross-border trafficking networks, particularly the trafficking of migrants and human beings.

In this respect, Laftit recalled Morocco’s contribution and the large-scale efforts deployed in the fight against terrorism, border control, and all forms of cross-border crime, reflecting the Kingdom’s constant commitment to regional security.

Emphasis was placed on the strategic approach and regional added value of triangular cooperation in favor of partner countries in the South, through cross-training, capacity-building, and technical support.

The Minister of the Interior also recalled Morocco’s holistic and humanistic approach to migration governance, which, in application of the High Royal Guidelines, places the migrant at the center of all concerns.

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