
Rachid Talbi El Alami: Atlantic Initiative to Set in Motion Dynamics for African, Arab and Latin American Countries

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HM King Mohammed VI’s Atlantic Initiative to promote access to the Atlantic Ocean for the Sahel states will set in motion dynamics that will benefit Africa, the Arab world and Latin America, the House of Representatives Speaker, Rachid Talbi El Alami, said Thursday in Rabat.

This innovative and strategic initiative will have a positive impact on the development of these three regions, stressed Talbi El Alami at the opening of the Parliamentary Conference on South-South Cooperation, noting that it will enable the launch of large-scale investment, interconnection, production and integration projects, thanks to their significant human and natural resources.

He noted that this initiative was one of many proposed by the Kingdom in the context of South-South cooperation, an essential component of Moroccan diplomacy under the enlightened leadership of His Majesty the King.

Talbi El Alami highlighted the South countries’ enormous potential to foster their economic development, citing as an example the rich mineral resources that enable the development of technological and mechanical industries, in addition to gas and oil.

These also include major assets in renewable energy and agriculture, as well as the geographical position of these countries, he added, emphasizing the importance of maritime routes for international trade, food security and tourism.

The countries of the South also have significant human resources, the beating heart of which is a youth aspiring to a better future and improved living conditions, noted Talbi El Alami, pointing out that the richness and diversity of the cultures of these regional groupings remain among the factors that will contribute to their development.

Talbi El Alami called for these riches to be harnessed in concrete projects, while noting the challenges facing the countries of the South, notably insecurity, conflict, illegal immigration, displacement and exile, as well as the repercussions of climate change and low levels of investment, capital and trade.

Held under the High Patronage of HM King Mohammed VI, the two-day conference focuses on the “Role of National Parliaments and Regional and Continental Parliamentary Unions in Africa, the Arab World, and Latin America in Enhancing Strategic Partnerships and Achieving Joint Integration and Development”.

This meeting, held at the initiative of the House of Councillors in collaboration with the Association of Senates, Shoora, and Equivalent Councils in Africa and Arab world (ASSECAA), is part of the Kingdom of Morocco’s leadership, under the enlightened guidance of HM King Mohammed VI, in launching all development and solidarity initiatives aimed at strengthening South-South cooperation.

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