
Zapatero: Morocco-Spain Relations Experience ‘Best Moment in Their History’

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 Relations between Morocco and Spain, « two reliable partners, » are experiencing today the « best moment in their history, » former president of the Spanish Government José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said on Wednesday.

« Morocco and Spain have succeeded in forging a solid friendship and are working hand in hand in a spirit of trust and transparency, which allows us to testify that bilateral relations are going through the best moment in their history, » Zapatero told the Press, commenting on the working visit to Morocco by the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sanchez.

« The visit of the President of the Spanish Government to Morocco is of great importance, as relations with the Kingdom are an absolute priority of Spain’s foreign policy, which is a cause for celebration, » he said.

« Morocco and Spain are two neighboring and friendly countries united by economic and cultural ties and exemplary cooperation in security matters, » the former head of the Spanish government explained. The two countries are « a link between two continents and are working for their prosperity and progress, » he added.

« We are reliable neighbors and Morocco is a priority for Spain. For its part, Morocco is increasingly consolidating its relations with Madrid to turn Spain into its major ally in Europe, » Zapatero stated.

On the economic level, he recalled, Morocco is the leading destination for Spanish investment in Africa, and bilateral trade continues to break records.

On a different note, Zapatero noted that the joint organization of the 2030 Football World Cup with Portugal « will give new impetus to these exemplary relations and open up promising horizons for both countries. »

Spain and Morocco are moving forward together in a spirit of deep friendship and mutual trust to build a better future and set themselves up as models of multi-dimensional partnership, he concluded.

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