
Kampala Conference Lauds HM the King’s Solicitude towards African Ulema

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 The unwavering support of HM King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, for African ulema (Islamic scholars) was highly lauded during a two-day scientific conference held in Uganda’s Kampala on February 24 and 25. The event, organized by the Ugandan section of the Mohammed VI Foundation for African Scholars, brought together religious, political, and diplomatic figures from both Morocco and Uganda.

The conference showcased the deep appreciation of participants for the High Solicitude exhibited by HM King Mohammed VI towards Africa’s religious scholars. In a joint statement, the attendees expressed gratitude for the Sovereign’s continuous care, which they noted enables scholars to fulfill their noble missions.

The sustained efforts of the Mohammed VI Foundation for African Ulema in safeguarding common religious values across the African continent and preserving convictions and choices were also commended. Participants emphasized the need to share Morocco’s experience in preserving common religious values with other African nations, highlighting the importance of strengthening collective action among African scholars under the auspices of the foundation.

The scholars from the Ugandan section of the foundation expressed a keen interest in benefiting from Morocco’s experience in qualifying imams and providing religious education. The conference underscored the significance of organizing scientific activities in local languages, utilizing various communication channels, and establishing dialogues with different religions within Ugandan society and across Africa.

On the topic of preserving unity and religious constants while addressing societal failures induced by extremist currents, scholars stressed the importance of these efforts. Additionally, the conference highlighted the imperative to enhance the role of knowledgeable women in Ugandan and other African societies to anchor spiritual security, protect families, and educate young people in religious, spiritual, and social aspects.

A call was made for utilizing various media platforms to promote the values and principles of Islam in the fight against extremism. The announcement of the edition and publication, in Arabic and English, of the research findings from the conference further emphasized the commitment to countering extremism and preventing the misuse of religion to incite hatred.

Participants expressed their gratitude to HM King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, for His High Solicitude towards the Mohammed VI Foundation for African Ulema. Appreciation was also extended to Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and his government for their significant contributions to the success of the scientific event.

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