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Moroccan People Celebrate Wednesday 17th Birthday of HRH Princess Lalla Khadija

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The Royal Family and the entire Moroccan people celebrate, on Wednesday, the seventeenth birthday of Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Khadija, a happy event that confirms, once again, the attachment and full cohesion of the various components of the Moroccan Nation with the Glorious Alaouite Throne.

This birthday recalls the festive moments experienced by Moroccans on the blessed day of February 28, 2007, when the Ministry of the Royal Household, Protocol and Chancellery announced the birth of HRH Princess Lalla Khadija, whose coming into the world lit up the Royal Household.

The birth of HRH Princess Lalla Khadija, the second child of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist him, after His Royal Highness Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, was greeted with great joy and rejoicing.

The celebration of the sixteenth birthday of HRH Princess Lalla Khadija is an opportunity to look back on the first steps of Her Royal Highness in public life. In September 2011, it was under the benevolent gaze of HM King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, that the opening of the first school year for HRH Princess Lalla Khadija took place at the Royal Palace in Rabat.

On this occasion, the Sovereign attended a learning session of the Holy Quran and the first Arabic and French lessons of Her Royal Highness the Princess and her classmates.

From an early age, HRH Princess Lalla Khadija has taken part in official activities alongside His Majesty King Mohammed VI, perpetuating a long tradition which aims to initiate and familiarize young Princes and Princesses of the Royal Family with the roles and activities they will be called upon to assume within a society that remains attached to its values.

Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Khadija attended, in 2018, the presentation ceremony, before the Sovereign, of the progress report and the executive program in the field of educational support and the implementation of the education and training reform.

In February 2019, HRH Princess Lalla Khadija made a remarkable appearance alongside HRH Crown Prince Moulay El Hassan, HRH Prince Moulay Rachid, and Their Royal Highnesses Princesses Lalla Meryem, Lalla Asmae, Lalla Hasnaa, and Lalla Oum Keltoum, at the official welcoming ceremony of HM King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia, Sovereigns of the Kingdom of Spain, presided over by HM King Mohammed VI. The same was true, on March 30, 2019, during the visit to Morocco of His Holiness Pope Francis.

In December of the same year, HRH Princess Lalla Khadija presided over the inauguration ceremony of the vivarium at Rabat’s National Zoological Garden, and visited the vivarium’s various areas, which house several species of live reptiles from different regions of Africa.

HRH Princess Lalla Khadija’s birthday is an opportunity for the Moroccan people to reaffirm their unfailing attachment to the Glorious Alaouite Throne and their constant mobilization behind His Majesty King Mohammed VI for the success of the great projects launched by the Sovereign in the service of His faithful people.

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