
OIC Commends Role of Al-Quds Committee, Under HM the King’s Presidency, Face to Hostile Policies of Israeli Occupation Authorities in Al-Quds Acharif

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The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) anew commended, Tuesday in Jeddah, the role of the Al-Quds Committee, under the Presidency of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, face to the hostile policies of Israeli occupation authorities in Al Quds Acharif aimed at distorting the identity and legal status of the Holy City as well as its demographic, cultural and historical composition.

   The extraordinary meeting of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers, dedicated to the developments in the Gaza Strip and the city of Rafah, welcomed the contribution of Bayt Mal Al-Quds Acharif Agency and its efforts to protect the Holy City, to support the resistance of its population and to promote their presence on their lands, through the implementation of programs and projects of concrete impact in terms of social and cultural development.

   Morocco is represented at this meeting, convened by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, current president of the Islamic Summit, by Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita.

   The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia convened this meeting to follow up on the implementation of the resolutions of the Extraordinary Arab-Islamic Summit, held on November 11 in Riyadh.

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