
Jamal Choubki: Morocco’s Humanitarian Aid for Gaza Reflects HM the King’s Sense of Humanity, Genuine Solidarity

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Morocco’s land-delivered humanitarian aid for the populations in Gaza and the Al-Quds, sent on HM King Mohammed VI’s high instrutions as Chairman of the Al-Qyds Committee, reflects the Sovereign’s high sense of humanity and genuine solidarity with His ongoing commitment to the Palestinian people, said Jamal Choubki, Palestinian Ambassador in Rabat, on Tuesday.

The Palestinian diplomat said that this humanitarian aid is « of great value and importance, » especially as it lifts the siege on Palestinians in Gaza and Al-Quds on the first day of the holy month of Ramadan.

The fact that Morocco is the first country, since the start of armed operations over 5 months ago, to deliver humanitarian aid by this unprecedented land route, directly to the beneficiary populations, confirms that the Kingdom, under the leadership of HM the King, is undertaking initiatives that constitute a model to be followed, added the Palestinian diplomat.

He recalled that Morocco carries out humanitarian operations for the benefit of the Palestinian people every year, on High Royal Instructions, which means that the perennial commitment of HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, encompasses several humanitarian, social and cultural fields.

HM King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, had given His Most High Instructions to deploy a humanitarian food aid operation, by land, for the Palestinian population of Gaza and the Holy City of Al-Quds.

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