
North Africa Regional Ministerial Conference on ‘Pan-Africanism and Migration’ Kicks off in Rabat

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The North Africa Regional Ministerial Conference, organized by the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Togo under the theme « Pan-Africanism and Migration », kicked off on Thursday in Rabat.

Co-chaired by Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccan Expatriates, Nasser Bourita, and Minister of Foreign Affairs, African Integration and Togolese Living Abroad, Robert Dussey, whose country chairs the High Committee in charge of the agenda of the Decade of African Roots and Diaspora, this video conference meeting takes place as part of the preparatory process for the 9th Pan-African Congress (October 29-November 02 in Lomé).

It aims to stimulate an exchange on the correlation between Pan-Africanism and migration in the context of the North African region, and to agree on recommendations to be submitted to the Pan-African Congress in Lomé.

The Conference will provide an opportunity to examine and debate a range of themes linked to the various aspects of migration and modern Pan-Africanism, implemented through South-South cooperation.

Morocco’s organization of this conference, which will be attended by several ministers and senior African officials, is a continuation of the Kingdom’s pioneering role in the field of migration, in line with the enlightened vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, Leader of the African Union on the issue of Migration.

It is also an opportunity to reaffirm and reiterate the Kingdom of Morocco’s commitment and leadership on migration issues, and its initiatives to promote safe and responsible migration at continental and international levels.

This commitment was reflected in the adoption and implementation, as early as 2013, in accordance with the Royal High Directions, of a national policy on migration, based on a humanistic, supportive and inclusive approach.

Moral custodian of the Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (Marrakech Compact), the Kingdom of Morocco has invested, under the impetus of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, in African action around the African Agenda for Migration, presented by Morocco at the African Union Summit in January 2018, and which lays the foundations for a forward-thinking African policy on the migration issue.

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