HM the King Offers Condolences to Family of Late Haj Ahmed Pirou

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His Majesty King Mohammed VI sent a message of condolence and compassion to the family members of the artist Haj Ahmed Pirou, who passed away on Wednesday night in Rabat.

In this message, the Sovereign states that he learned with deep sorrow of the news of the death of the great artist Haj Ahmed Pirou, praying God to welcome him into His vast paradise among the virtuous ones.

In this difficult ordeal, His Majesty the King expresses to the members of the deceased’s family, to his relatives, his artistic family and all his friends and admirers, His deep condolences and sincere feelings of compassion, following the death of one of the pioneers of Gharnati music in our country, who contributed for decades to preserving the authenticity of Moroccan Andalusian musical heritage and promoting it.

The Sovereign implores the Almighty to amply reward the deceased for his artistic contributions and good deeds, to surround him with His holy mercy, and to grant patience and comfort to his family members.

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