
Pilgrims Accomplish Tawaf Al-Wada’ to End Hajj Season

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Mecca – Pilgrims flocked on Wednesday to Masjid al-Haram to perform Tawaf Al-Wada’ (farewell circumambulation) marking the end of Hajj, after the stoning of the Jamarat on the third day of Tashreeq. 

On this third day, corresponding to the 13th Dhul Hijjah, unhurried pilgrims lap up the three Jamarat as on the previous two days, before leaving the site of Mina, located 6 km from the Masjid Al Haram, for Mecca to perform Tawaf Al-Wada’ around the holy Kaaba.

More than 1.8 million pilgrims took part in this year’s Hajj, including 1.6 million from abroad, according to the Saudi authorities, who are already welcoming the success of the Hajj operation.

The 1445 AH Hajj operation has been a success on all levels, said Deputy Governor of Mecca Region and Vice Chairman of the Central Hajj Committee Prince Saud bin Mishaal bin Abdulaziz

This is the result of the resources made available to pilgrims by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia throughout this year’s pilgrimage operation, said the Deputy Governor of Mecca Region.

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