
Spain Reaffirms Commitment to Pursuing Cooperation with Morocco in Firefighting

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Madrid – The Spanish government reiterated, on Tuesday, its firm commitment to pursuing its cooperation with Morocco in firefighting.

Under bilateral agreements signed with several countries, including Morocco, Spain will continue its cooperation with the Kingdom in the field of firefighting, according to a statement issued by the Presidency of the Spanish Government following the Council of Ministers’ meeting.

To this end, an action plan has been adopted for the prevention and control of forest fires for the year 2024.

With a unifying, global and coordinating vocation for all State policy in this field, the plan is meant to establish the means by which the State’s general administration supports regional firefighting mechanisms.

The agreement approves the measures contained in the forest fire prevention and control action plan for 2024, on the one hand, and takes note of the report on the implementation of the measures included in the forest fire prevention and control action plan for 2023, on the other hand.

Since 2005, the Spanish government has adopted a set of interdepartmental measures that make up the annual action plan for forest fire prevention and control.

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