
ICESCO Calls for Greater Humanitarian Efforts to Preserve Refugees’ Dignity

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Rabat – The Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) called for solidarity with the displaced populations and support for their right to safety, dignity and social inclusion.

« Every year, on June 20, the world commemorates World Refugee Day, placed this year under the theme ‘For a World that Welcomes Refugees’, to highlight the importance of solidarity with the displaced people and to mobilize solidarity and support for their right to safety, dignity and social inclusion to achieve their dreams, » ICESCO underlined in a press release, on the occasion of the World Refugee Day. 

The Organization seized this opportunity to call upon the international community to promote global cooperation in support of refugees.

ICESCO also highlighted the importance of promoting solidarity and humanitarian efforts to ensure that refugees can fully enjoy their fundamental economic, social and cultural rights, as well as providing them with fair and comprehensive education and employment opportunities to preserve their dignity.

In this regard, ICESCO launched medical-social-educational caravans in order to provide basic social and medical assistance both inside and outside the Islamic world, particularly in rural and remote areas, the press release noted, adding that thanks to mobile medical services and community awareness programs, these caravans offered medical advice, examinations, vaccinations and essential medicines to vulnerable groups.

In addition to medical support, ICESCO emphasized the key role of education in breaking the cycle of poverty, citing the scholarship program launched by ICESCO for students from vulnerable groups, granting them the opportunity to pursue higher education and build a brighter future.

ICESCO reaffirmed its commitment to helping build a future that gives the opprtunity to everyone, including the most vulnerable, to achieve success and prosperity, calling for joining efforts to end the suffering of refugees and honor their resilience and courage.

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